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CBD Beverages

Even as the country continues to grapple with the regulatory landscape of hemp products and how they should be regulated, cannabidiol (CBD)-infused beverage products are a growing favorite due to its wellness benefits.

CBD Beverage

Analytical Testing

Beverage Development

Bulk Spirits



Did you Know?

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The global hemp beverages market is expected to reach USD 2.8 billion by 2025.

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The 2014 federal Farm Bill defines hemp, from which CBD is derived, as having a THC content below 0.3%.

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CBD oil from industrial hemp is legal in all 50 states and over 40 countries.


CBD Beverages

The hemp plant, indigenous to Central Asia, has been utilized worldwide throughout history. Initially, hemp was used for textiles long before it gained popularity for the purposes we recognize today. The first documented use of hemp for its functional properties was by Chinese Emperor Sheng Nung, who consumed a hemp-infused tea. For generations, leaders globally considered hemp an essential crop. However, it wasn't until 1940, when Roger Adams isolated CBD from the hemp plant, that we began to understand its components scientifically, leading to its widespread use today.

Driven by recent wellness and fitness trends, consumers are increasingly drawn to products that promote relaxation, improved mood, and better sleep. CBD-infused foods, skincare products, oils, and beverages are now more popular than ever for their purported benefits. Flavorman's expertise in developing delicious CBD-infused beverage profiles is a testament to centuries of hemp usage and innovation.

Key Considerations

  1. Cannabinoids are naturally hydrophobic and difficult to dissolve in liquid. However, The Beverage Architects have the equipment and expertise to successfully execute your dream drink!
  2. CBD is intended to provide plant-based wellness benefits without the psychoactive effects, which is what contributes to its trend as a functional beverage.
  3. Despite hemp's rich history, CBD is still a relatively new to being used commercially and there's plenty of more research to be done. Staying up to date with changing regulations and discoveries will serve you well, and our Beverage Architects can and will assist in this!

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