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If you've been keeping up with the world of beverages, the kombucha health trend has likely crossed your path. This fermented tea is believed to have positive health benefits due to its probiotic properties. Kombucha can be conveniently purchased in a ready-to-drink form from your local grocery store, or you can brew it up at home. Its unique flavor can also be modified with fruits, juices, syrups, or herbs.

Kombucha Jar

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Did you know?

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The organic kombucha market was valued at over $2.170 billion in 2020, making up the majority of the global kombucha market.

icon of kombucha fermenting in jar

Humans have been enjoying and brewing kombucha for over 2000 years.

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The global kombucha market is estimated to climb to $3.106 billion by 2027.



Even though kombucha has only recently entered the spotlight, this fermented tea beverage has a history that goes back much further to 220 B.C. precisely. The drink initially emerged in Northeastern China where it quickly became a household staple due to its reputable health benefit. Domestically, kombucha is a fermented and sweetened drink often made with black or green tea; it is largely categorized as a beverage chameleon, identifiable as a functional beverage due to its health properties, but also an alcohol-adjacent product given its fermented nature. Learn more from the experts at Flavorman on how kombucha many health properties - including increased immune support, improved vitality, reduced risk of heart disease, and probiotics - can be the product to help elevate your business and innovative the beverage market!

Key Considerations

  1. You should not use decaf tea as your base, as the SCOBY will not grow as well if fed decaf. Black tea is the way to go.
  2. Many beginners to kombucha will attempt to use a sugar-free alternative when brewing as an attempt to be healthier. However, the sugar in kombucha is fuel for the process, so sugar alternatives will simply not work the same.
  3. A little flavoring goes a long way in Kombucha, so be sure to not overdo your flavor profiles.

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