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RTD Coffees

Whether it's that first sip in the morning, your afternoon jolt, or just a mid-day refresher, coffee remains one of the world's most consumed and sought-out beverages. Ready-to-Drink Coffees offer a convenient avenue for those with busy lifestyles to stop by their local convenient store, and grab that 'Cup of Joe' right off the shelf. It also allows local coffee shops to have their product seen outside of the cafe. Partner with Flavorman to create a delicious and invigorating RTD Coffee and take this 'energizing' market by storm!

latte in mason jar

Analytical Testing

Beverage Development

Bulk Spirits



Did you Know?

coffee bean icon

Coffee is believed to have originally been enjoyed in the form of chewing the plants' berries for energizing effects.

icon of hot coffee in mug

Over 70% of adult Americans drink coffee everyday.

Hawaii and California map icon

There are only two states in the US that commercially produce coffee: Hawaii and California.


Ready-to-Drink Coffees

Famous for its invigorating properties, legends of the humble coffee beans' origin come from 850 CE Ethiopia, where an Arab goat herder was puzzled by the strange energy of his flock after consuming wild berries. Although popular for many centuries in parts of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, it wasn't until the 16th and 17th centuries that coffee was formally spread throughout Europe.

Modern coffee exists among a myriad of different products including cold brew, frappés, espresso drinks, and more. Today, you can bet that just about every neighborhood has a coffee shop, if not multiple, within its streets. Not to mention, new coffee or espresso flavors and trends circulate every day, making this drink profile evergreen for new innovations.

Key Considerations

  1. It's important to consider that the pH of coffee is too high for typical preservation methods, making your options for large-scale manufacturers rather limited and more costly. We do, however, have a team that can help you navigate the process of choosing a copacker while keeping quality control a first priority.
  2. RTD coffees that are cream-based or contain creamer will have a shorter shelf life than those without.
  3. Do not be afraid to tap into trends and experiment with flavor profiles, methods, and alternatives to the typical coffee profile. For example, there have been trends surrounding using cascara, or the coffee cherry, as an innovative base for caffeinated beverages. Don't put yourself in a box!

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