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Functional Beverages

Health and wellness have always been important, but in the face of modern trends, consumers have increasingly sought ways to reclaim and incorporate these elements in everyday products. This is especially true in the beverage industry, as functional drinks that maximize benefits have overtaken the market.

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Did you know?

icon of bottled drink with vitamins

Prebiotics are fibers that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, while probiotics are live bacteria added to a product for wellness benefits.

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The functional beverages market is expected to reach $353.4 billion in 2030.

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Consumer interest in functional beverages is estimated to have grown by 51% within the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Functional Beverages

From natural coconut water to vitamin-infused energy drinks, the functional beverage is one of the most diverse product categories in which any type of consumer can find a product that speaks to consumer preferences. Considering that most consumable products serve functional roles, beverages that promote a specific benefit (i.e. energy, electrolytes, vitamins, etc.) have existed for almost as long as humans have.

The rise of Energy Drinks like Red Bull and probiotic beverages like Yakult in the 20th century have brought about the modern functional beverage products. Other creations such as Hydration Beverages, Sports Beverages, and CBD Beverages fall into this category, as they all claim to have some type of benefit for the body when you sip. Flavorman also creates drinkable Dietary Supplements, a category that similarly boasts its benefits to your well-being. As this market continues to expand with a focus on wellness, you can turn to the experienced beverage experts at Flavorman to achieve your functional beverage aspirations.

Key Considerations

  1. In the US, CBD's popularity as a functional product is fueled by increased availability and a growing wellness trend, with more and more American consumers ditching sugary drinks for "better-for-you" alternatives like CBD infusions.
  2. While adaptogens that appear in functional beverages, like ashwagandha and ginseng, have studies on their ability to regulate your mood - these supplements are not regulated by the FDA .
  3. When building your Functional Beverage, certain ingredients could put your product into the "Dietary Supplement" category, in the eyes of the FDA, which has their own set of rules and regulations. Let Flavorman's experts help you navigate this regulatory landscape when you formulate with us!

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